For our digipack we have come up with a basic structure of what we want it to look like.
On the front cover we want a picture of 'Peter' in a wolf hat, tying in with the name of the band. The picture is a polaroid and it is place on an aged wooden table. He will be holding a red chupa chup, and on the bottom of the polaroid in scribbly writing will be the name of the album 'Lollipop'. On the table next to the polaroid will be a relevant item to him/the album, which hasn't been decided yet.
On the back cover will be the same table, the track listings in black on a white outline/highlight and the wrapper of the Chupa Chup.
On the left inside cover there will be writing on the perspex we used in the studi oset up, thanking all the people who contributed to the album in scrawly writing, surrounded by doodles.
On the right inside cover where the CD goes, there will be a large picture of a lollipop.